Our hope for the YouVersion Community is for each person to be on a journey, drawing closer to God and seeking His heart every day. As a community, we have a lot we need to talk about. What happened to George Floyd, and to many others before him, and what continues to happen is tragic, heartbreaking, and unjust. These things should never happen to anyone. We should celebrate the diversity of our global church, but we must also address the disparity that continues to exist. We have a lot of work to do, together, uniting in love as brothers and sisters in Christ. Let’s pray for boldness—that can only come from our Savior—to confront the injustices and racism in our world.

Take Control of Your Finances for a Brighter Future
Image by Freepik Financial stress can weigh heavily on every aspect of life, making it hard to focus on what truly matters. Taking steps to improve