I recently heard about an organization that accepts donations of used cars and gives/donates the cars to struggling families. Their website has the following information:
The Original 1-800-Charity Cars leads the nation in providing donated vehicles to struggling families.
Receive the full “Fair Market Value”
tax-deduction if we provide your vehicle to a deserving family*
100% Charity No Middlemen
1-800-242-7489Tax Deductible – Free Towing Nationwide – Running Or Not
Car Donations benefit a wide variety of clients who are referred to us by non-profit organizations, churches, social service agencies and from our own car donation / free car charity website FreeCharityCars.org. Typical recipients include victims of domestic violence; the medically needy; victims of natural disasters; families transitioning from public assistance to work; non-profit organizations; families living in transitional living shelters; military families and the working poor who often meet the qualifications to apply for a Charity Car Donation.
I thought I would pass on this information, in case anyone is need of this assistance. The link is provided in the above paragraph.