“God Is Faithful” Today – April 23th
“Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7
Giving Above the Tithe
by Larry Burkett
In the book of Deuteronomy there are several additional offerings described as the “tithes of your increase.” These were special offerings meant to care for the priests, the poor, the sick, and the elderly.
It’s not possible to exact an amount except by inference, but I calculate these total “regular” gifts to be about 23 percent per year. Today it would be the equivalent of a family who is totally committed to giving.
Ask God to show you how to share in special needs above your regular giving. What worthwhile organization or ministry should you be helping to support?
The writer of Hebrews said, “Do not neglect doing good and sharing; for with such sacrifices God is pleased” (Hebrews 13:16).
Daily Scripture Reading: