July 2015
The church is under attack today both literally and figuratively! From the horrific attack against our brothers and sisters at the AME Church in Charleston, NC, to the execution of Christians by the Islamic terrorist group ISIS in the Middle East. Add to that the fact that it seems to be open season on Christians as a group—to mock, ridicule, and sue when we exercise our religious liberties not to participate in events as a matter of conscience. And now the highest court in the land, the Supreme Court, has decided in favor of same-sex marriage as a constitutional right. I am disappointed by the wrong and clearly misguided decision that the court itself was not unanimous on. Make no mistake; this ruling has ordered the transformation of the social institution of marriage that has been the basis of our society for literally thousands of years. I would like to share my thoughts with you on this topic in a message called, “Stand your Ground,” that I shared on Sunday, June 28 at my home church, Harvest Christian Fellowship. In this message, I point out the ways in which we as Christians should respond. Here are some of my points:
Please watch that message and share it with others. |
Donate to HarvestUsed by permission from Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie, PO Box 4000, Riverside, CA 92514. |
Taming the Urge:
Taming the Urge: Simple Tips to Resist Impulse Buying Impulse buying can wreak havoc on your finances and lead to regret. Here are some practical