One way to save money easily is to use coupons and rebates. Also, if you are shopping online, start by Googling the item you want with the words “discount code” or “coupon” at the end of the search phrase. The search will bring up various web sites. Check them out and see if they are still valid. Another way to save money is by joining ebates. This is a free site. When you join, you search for an item at ebates and the companies listing with them will send you cash back if you buy their product. The amounts range in percentage, anywhere from 1% to 5%, maybe more. Also, Groupon is another place where you can find good deals online. Of course you also have eBay and Craigslist. You can also try the classified ads in your local newspaper for deals. Always check to see if the store that you are buying your items from match competitors’ prices. Walmart, Staples, & Bestbuy are stores that will match prices. If you don’t know whether they’ll price match, ask. The worst they can say is no. The best is yes and you save money!

Take Control of Your Finances for a Brighter Future
Image by Freepik Financial stress can weigh heavily on every aspect of life, making it hard to focus on what truly matters. Taking steps to improve