What you fear reveals what you value the most. When you look at your fears it also illuminates your priorities. You might fear losing your job. This means that you value financial security and stability. If you fear losing your marriage, that shows that you really value your commitment to your marriage. Perhaps, you fear that something bad may happen to your children. This shows that you really value your kids. There is nothing wrong with placing value on these things. However, when you focus negatively on any of them, it can lead you down a path to worry rather than leading you to positive action.
Additionally, when you have a constant fear in a certain area of your life, it can indicate that you’re not depending on God to handle it. Basically, what you fear reveals where you trust God the least.
Are you afraid of not having enough money to cover your bills? If so, you are telling God that you don’t trust that He will cover your needs. You need to pray to God and surrender everything to Him. You need to allow God to lead you. Stop being afraid and start trusting God.