For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. | |
How can pain be used for God’s glory? Two people come to mind. The first is Joni Eareckson Tada. At age 17, a diving accident left her a quadriplegic. Yet she has brought inspiration and hope and encouragement to millions of people around the world. Had she lived her life without this disability, I am sure she would have been used by God. But would she have been used in the same way? It doesn’t seem likely. God took this pain and used it for His glory.
Then there is Nick Vujicic. Born without arms or legs, he was so despondent as a youth that he was suicidal. And yet he has sought again and again to bring encouragement to people throughout the world.
Joni and Nick are living proof that God can take the pain in our lives and use it for His glory. So we have to look at it with an eternal perspective and realize that it will all work together for good (see Romans 8:28). The hope of a new heaven and a new earth by and by helps us to keep perspective in the here and now, during times of trial.
There is coming a day when wrongs will be righted, when pains will be healed, when sorrow will be eradicated. God will make up what we have lost here on earth. God will make all things new.
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Used by permission from Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie, PO Box 4000, Riverside, CA 92514.