Do you know your investment risk tolerance? If you don’t and want to find out for free, go to FIST Score and find out.
Introducing the FInancial STability (FIST®) index. Simply answer a few easy questions and you will be able to get an instant snapshot of your financial risk exposure in these four areas: retirement, protection, liquidity and debt management. The sophisticated mathematical engines will quickly identify areas you need to improve. Similar to a credit score, your FIST® score will give you a gauge of your overall financial health on a scale of 0-100. Review the recommendations section to see how you can improve your category and composite scores. Come back often and watch your score improve with the actions you take and compare your score to others. No more procrastinating! You can do this! Today is the time to identify your financial risks and take steps to become financially stable!
This is a web site I found and thought you all might just want to check it out.