Monday, July 17, 2017
Make a Choice
“And Elijah came to all the people, and said, “How long will you falter between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” But the people answered him not a word.”—1 Kings 18:21
When I chose to follow Christ, I decided it was all or nothing. I wasn’t raised in the church; I pretty much did what I wanted for the first 17 years of my life. I was a very worldly person and had no Christian worldview or moral upbringing.
As a result, when I heard the message of the gospel and saw who Jesus Christ was, I wanted to go for it. I didn’t want to try to live in both worlds. I’d had enough of the world and knew how empty it was. I knew the promises it made never would be fulfilled. I lost interest in it. I fully committed to following Christ.
That was the day my eternal destiny literally changed. It was the day I passed from darkness to light and found new purpose and meaning. But something else happened that day. A battle began. It’s been said that conversion has made our hearts a battlefield. This is a battle that goes back a long way. It’s essentially a battle between good and evil, right and wrong, righteousness and unrighteousness. It’s a battle between God and Satan.
Like it or not, you are in this battle, and you must choose which side you want to be on. As Elijah said to the people on Mount Carmel, “How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him” (1 Kings 18:21).
I see so many Christians who try to live in two worlds. They want enough Christianity to get them to Heaven, but they still want to live like hell, for all practical purposes. It’s the most miserable existence of all.
If you’re going to be a Christian, be a sold-out one. Be a committed one. Decide today how you’re going to live.
Dig Deeper:
Today’s Radio Program
“The World Changer who Wrestled with God–1”
This Week’s TV Program
“How to Share the Gospel”
Today’s Bible Reading
Isaiah 29-31; James 1
Used by permission from Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie, PO Box 4000.